I'm a car. I'm covered with grime.
I've been that way for a long, long time.
I'm dusty and dirty. What's on my mind?
Take me to the car wash to get in line.
It's swish, swash, swish. Scrub, scrub, scrub.
Look at me. I'm covered with suds.
Swish, swash, swish. Spatter and spray.
Washing that dirt away.
2. As they hook me up. I begin to roll.
The hoses start spraying and the water is cold.
The brushes are spinning, so many machines.
I'm going through the car wash, going to be clean. Chorus:
3. A truck up ahead comes into view.
What everyone is staring at, I haven't a clue.
Then, on the back window, what's that I see?
In great big letters: "PLEASE WASH ME!" Chorus:
4. I'm driving along when out of the blue.
I hit a big puddle and I roll on through.
I'm covered with mud. Will this ever end?
I'm going through the car wash again and again. Chorus: