Rick Charette

Official Website

written by Rick Charette


From the album: King Kong Chair

written by Rick Charette


From the album: Toad Motel

Based on a song written with Mrs.Johnson’s K class at LECC in West Chester, Ohio  with Rick Charette.  Additional lyrics written by the staff at Lakes Region Animal Hospital


From the album: King Kong Chair

written by Rick Charette


From the album: Popcorn

written by Rick Charette


From the album: Popcorn

written by John Brookhouse


written by Rick Charette


From the album: Toad Motel

written by Ben Spencer


From the album: Popcorn
Chorus: It’s going to be my first time riding on a zip line. I’m a little bit scared.  Don’t know if I dare to Look at the g...


From the album: Seven Ate Nine
1. I run out on the beach.  It’s summertime again. The tide is quickly going out.  I see miles and miles of sand. I get down on my k...


From the album: A Little Peace and Quiet

written by Rick Charette


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