Going down a hill. Moving so fast.
Taking a toboggan ride..
Lean to the left. Got to lean to the right.
Taking a toboggan ride.
1. Look out the window at all of that snow.
Friends wait for me. I'll be ready to go. Chorus:
2. Everyone on and we're ready to run.
Ready or not, pushing off, here we come. Chorus:
3.Slipping and sliding. Laughing all the way down.
Twisting and turning. Jump! We're off the ground. Chorus:
4. We're rocking and rolling. Think we're out of control.
Taking a spill. We're covered with snow. Chorus:
It's getting dark.
It's hard to see.
And I've got that hill in front of me.
But when I reach the top,
I'll do it again.