1. It's early in the morning, I get out of bed.
The sun's out. I open up the door.
Heading outside. Go walking through the garden.
Just like I did the day before.
I go to pick a juicy red tomato.
When what could be sitting on a leaf?
I move a little closer and I say: "Oh yuck!"
What's that staring at me?
Slug, a slug, a slimy slug.
An ooey gooey, slippery, slimy slug.
I don't want to snuggle with. I don't want to hug.
An ooey gooey, slippery, slimy slug.
2. I run back into my house to see if I can find
A tin can, a bottle or a cup.
I think I will be brave. I think I will be daring.
I'm going to try to pick it up.
I hurry to the juicy red tomato.
The slug's no longer sitting on a leaf.
I spot a trail of slime and I say: "Oh yuck!
Hey, has anyone seen?" Chorus:
3. I continue searching under every leaf
But it's not anywhere in sight.
I think it might be hiding underneath a log
Maybe it will come back out tonight.
I finally pick the juicy red tomato.
Probably will cook it in a stew.
I'm looking at the ground when I say: "Oh yuck!"
What's that crawling up my shoe? Chorus: