Mud, mud, I love mud!
I'm absolutely, positively wild about mud.
I can't go around it. I've got to go through it.
Beautiful, fabulous, super duper mud.
1. Big Teddy White, his clothes were mighty clean.
Went swimming in a pool of mud, he made quite a scene.
He started with the backstroke, followed by the crawl.
You should have seen him swimming when he heard his father call. Chorus:
2. Julianna Root had shiny yellow boots.
Saw a pool of mud that she wanted to go through.
She only took two steps and then she disappeared.
Nobody’s seen her for twenty-five years. Chorus:
3. Little Rusty Night, he was only three.
Was working in the mud on his favorite recipe.
With sticks and bugs and sour milk, it looked like brown ice cream.
When he started tasting it, he heard his mother scream. Chorus:
4. Now I would be the last to tell you what to do.
And when it comes to mud you know it's really up to you.
So if you can't decide and you're sitting on the fence,
The most important thing to do is use your common sense. Chorus