I need someone to give me a chance,
Give me a chance to give it a try.
I need someone to give me a chance,
Give me a chance to try.
1. Jenny's standing out on the playing field.
Gives all her teammates a call.
She's wide open. She could make the shot
If somebody would pass her the ball.
Jenny needs someone to give her a chance,
Give her a chance to give it a try.
Jenny needs someone to give her a chance,
Give her a chance to try.
2. The principal is talking with some kids in class.
They're often in trouble at school.
Getting into fights, seldom doing their work,
Often disobeying the rules.
They need someone to give them a chance,
Give them a chance to give it a try.
They need someone to give them a chance,
Give them a chance to try.
3. Willie wants to learn to ride a two-wheeled bike.
He watches as his friends ride past.
It's not that he's afraid he might fall.
He thinks that everybody will laugh.
Willie needs someone to give him a chance,
Give him a chance to give it a try.
Willie needs someone to give him a chance,
Give him a chance to try.
Have you ever wanted to learn something new,
Something you've not done before?
It's always easier to do your best
When you're encouraged. You try so much more.
Repeat First Chorus: