1. I like to play. It's fun to joke around when I'm with my dad.
I like to look at books. It's such a blast to cook when I'm with my dad.
On Sundays, while we're at the beach, I like to pick up stones.
What a treat to stop for ice cream on our way back home.
When it's not his working day, I say, "Hip, hip hooray!"
It's great to be with my dad.
2. It's fun to go for jogs and look for polliwogs when I'm with my dad.
I like to hammer nails and run out for the mail when I'm with my dad.
I like showing dad all the neat things I can do.
I can write my name, jump real high, draw some pictures too.
When it's not his working day, I say, "Hip, hip hooray!"
It's great to be with my dad.
When I can't find a sneaker, when I can't find a book,
If I ask my dad, he'll help me out.
He listens when I'm angry, when I'm confused or sad.
I've got a special friend and that's my dad.
3. I like to whistle tunes and listen to the loons
When I'm with my dad. Piggyback rides are cool.
I like splashing in the pool when I'm with my dad.
When we're both eating pop corn, we toss it all around.
And try to catch it in our mouths before it hits the ground.
When it's not his working day, I say, "Hip, hip hooray!"
It's great to be with my dad. Chorus:
4. I like flying kites. It's fun to go on hikes
When I'm with my dad. I like to pick up bugs.
Sometimes I give out hugs when I'm with my dad.
When it's not his working day, I say, "Hip, hip hooray!"
It's great to be with my dad.