1. Let's make some lemonade.
Let's make some lemonade.
Squeeze a lemon. Add water and ice.
A little bit of sugar will be all right.
Let's make some lemonade.
Let's make some lemonade.
We'll have great fun and when it's all done,
We'll sip it all away.
2. Let's make a pizza pie.
Let's make a pizza pie.
Roll the dough. Add sauce and cheese.
A little pepperoni now if you please.
Let's make a pizza pie.
Let's make a pizza pie.
We'll have great fun and when it's all done,
We'll eat it you and I.
3. Let's make chocolate ice cream.
Let's make chocolate ice cream.
Stir the chocolate, add cream.
Crank five minutes or seventeen.
Let's make chocolate ice cream.
Let's make chocolate ice cream.
We'll have great fun and when it's all done,
We'll jump and clap and scream. Hurray!